Summer Camp
There are two summer camp opportunities for children.
St. Sava Camp and Camp Gracanica
Each year the camps are held during the mid-summer months. Both programs have Sunday afternoon registration and campers get picked up by families Saturday morning to return home. Both programs have the Orthodox faith as the central theme and activity. Students attend church services every morning and evening where they sing the responses. Students attend classes such as religion, singing cultural and religious songs and hymns. They also have craft and sports activities. Campers go to local water parks and Great America Theme Park located near the camp.
Mothers and kolo members oversee the kitchen and housekeeping responsibilities. They provide excellent conditions and meals for campers. The director of both programs is Father Tom Kazich. Each year, Fr. Tom develops a camp theme and religious lessons. All children for each week of camp, experience that theme and program.
Currently, both camps are housed at the Most Holy Mother of God Monastery in Third Lake, IL. Each year former campers have the opportunity to return as counselors and head counselors. Camp is where life-long friends are made and nurtured.
An annual spring luncheon or fundraising helps to support the camp programs. Forms are available in spring in all churches. The forms must be signed by the local parish priest. Both camps have fees and registration deadlines. Each accepts a certain number of campers. Registration materials explain the programs and let campers know what to pack and what the expectations are to be a camper in a monastery environment.
Camp programs are a result of the love of the program and for children. Everyone is encouraged to have these summer camp experiences. They create life-long friendships and memories.