Welcome to St. Basil Serbian Orthodox Church
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Service Schedule:
Divine Liturgies on Sundays and Feast Days at 10:00am
Vespers at 5:00pm Saturdays and for Feast Days
Welcome to the Saint Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church Website, a new ministry and medium of this parish community. On behalf of the parish trusteeship council, and the faithful of the parish family, we are grateful that you are taking the time to view this website. Our parish consists of faithful men, women and children seeking to live a life dedicated to Christ and His Church. This Church is the body of believing Orthodox Christians throughout the world, who share a common spiritual bond. By worshiping, witnessing, serving, learning, working and socializing together, we seek to make Christ’s presence felt in our community and to make God’s Kingdom real in our parish.
Saint Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church is a vibrant community located north of Chicago that embraces diversity, within one faith – the Serbian Orthodox Christian Faith. More and more people throughout America, and the world, are becoming aware of the unchanging truths of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Once called Christianity’s “Best-Kept Secret,” the word is out, and people are coming to know and embrace the stability, peace, calmness, and continuity preserved in the Orthodox Church since the New Testament era through today. We invite you to attend our services and to join our parish family for worship, education, fellowship, and preservation and perpetuation of our culture. Everyone is always welcome! Unconditional love for all!
V. Rev. – Fr. Nikola Radovancevic, (otacnikola@gmail.com)
St. Basil of Ostrog Church Office: 847–247–0077
Српска православна црква Светог Василија Острошког је жива заједница смештена северно од Чикага, која прихвата разноликост унутар једне вере – српске православне хришћанске вере. Све више људи широм Америке и света постају свесни непромењивих истина Српске Православне Цркве. Реч о православној вери, која је некада била позната као “најбоље чувана тајна” хришћанства, сада се прочула те људи долазе до сазнања и примају постојаност, мир, смирење и континуитет који се чува у Православној Цркви од новозаветног времена до данас. Позивамо вас да присуствујете богослужењима, и да се придружите нашој парохијској породици ради молитве, образовања, дружења, очувања и овековечења наше културе. Сви сте увек добродошли! Безусловна љубав према свима! Божанствена Литургија недељом и празником у 10 часова. Вечерње у 17 часова суботом и уочи празника.
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