Brotherhood at St. Basil Church
The St. Basil Bishop Varnava Brotherhood is currently under the leadership of Aleks Lazic (acalazic1@gmail.com). The Brotherhood provides support by supplying refreshments on a weekly basis and for all parish events. They also support the St. Basil Family by sponsoring one of the Lenten Family Fitness Nights that helps keep our parish family growing in size and growing together.
A new event hosted a couple of times a year by the Brotherhood is the Friday Paprikash Fish Dinner with live cultural music. The Brotherhood also provides an annual college scholarship to students of St. Basil of Ostrog Church. Students submit essays based on an appropriate writing prompt and are judged based on the content of their essays. These scholarships are awarded annually during the summer months before the start of the school year. Applications are available every spring.
The Brotherhood is also the driving force and committee for the yearly St. Basil of Ostrog Church Petrovdan Golf Outing, an important church fundraising event. This event is held annually on the Saturday following the Sts. Peter and Paul Feast Day. The tournament is open to golfers of all ages and is played at the Foss Park Golf Course. The golf outing is currently under the leadership of brotherhood member, Marko Vojcanin along with an honorary guest co-chairman. The past co-chairs include Luka Mirkovic, Big Ten Northwestern basketball player and scholar and more recently, Alex Maragos, Chicago NBC anchor.
The work of the brotherhood at times also includes work accomplished on the grounds of St. Basil of Ostrog Church. The Brotherhood celebrates their slava in November honoring their patron saint, Confessor Bishop Varnava of Hvosno.